Psicología para los fotógrafos es un nuevo blog con un contenido increíble que te ayudará a conseguir más clientes y vender más a tus clientes, y Jenika, el autor del sitio, tiene un corazón de oro para ayudar a la gente. No me canso de leer sus posts.
Lara White has a plethora of helpful posts on her blog, especially if you are a wedding photographer (although other professional photographers will still get much value out of her posts as well.) Her free “
Get Published” guide is amazing for helping you gain exposure and publicity for free, and her new e-book “
Get Connected: Build Relationships to Drive Your Business” tells you all her secrets for getting valuable referrals for your business.
Elizabeth Halford is a portrait photographer in the UK who writes very helpful tips for photographers. She’s great at taking technical concepts like
focal length and
bit depth and making them easy to understand for us non-techy types.
Kristen Kalp makes me swoon with jealousy when I read her writing. Seriously, she knows writing, branding, business and how to bring it all together to make your photography business thrive like crazy. She also uses her super powers to
hug orphans in India and make the world a better place.
Seshu’s Tiffinbox is an incredible site that is full of resources and has input from photographers around the world on it. He’s not afraid to shake things up, such as with this post called “
On Chasing Rainbows and Unicorns” (which was written by a local colleague of mine). Definitely a site worth following.
While dPS is not primarily geared towards photography businesses, they have several posts that will help you grow your business as well as a comprehensive e-book called the “
Going Pro Kit” that will walk you through what you need to do to finally start your business step by step (and it covers more than just portraits and wedding photography). There’s also tons of information to learn to be a better photographer and a thriving community to get involved in.
Todd never ceases to make you think about why you are doing what you are doing, where the value is, and when to step outside of the box. He’s a great person to read to really think about why you do what you do in your business. While I don’t always agree with his opinions or thoughts, they get me thinking about my business in a new light and makes me really consider why i do things the way I do them.