sábado, 16 de noviembre de 2013

Plantillas para crear infografías espectaculares

Nos encantan esas infografías para mostrar en una presentación cualquier dato, son sencillas, comprenibles, visuales y llegan rápidamente al lector o a tu audiencia, pero ¿Cómo conseguir estas infografías tan potentes? aquí tienes algunas plantillas que puedes utilizar si descargas los originales en pdf.

Gracias al fenomenal blog de Hongkiat por el aporte:


World Infographic. Format: .EPS [Download]

Infographic Vector Kit. Format: .AI .EPS [Download]

Vector Charts & Graphs. Format: .AI .EPS [Download]

Vector Infographic Elements. Format: .EPS .SGV .PDF [Download]

Free Vector Infographic. Format: .EPS .AI [Download]

The World Infographic. Format: .EPS .SVG .AI [Download]

Magnolia. Format: .PSD [Download]

miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2012

Google Fotos Canarias en los medios

Reportaje de Radio Televisión Canaria sobre el proyecto Google Fotos de Negocios emitido el Sábado 1 de Septiembre de 2012. Este reportaje fué llevado a cabo durante una de las sesiones para la cadena Spring Hoteles en Tenerife Sur, concretamente durante la sesión al Hotel Vulcano. Spring Hoteles ha sido una de las primeras cadenas hoteleras de Canarias en ver todo el potencial de esta nueva y espectacular forma de promover los productos y el destino turístico, llegando en 360º hasta los hogares, los ordenadores y los smartphones y tablets de todo el mundo.
Puedes contactar con Francis Ortiz en francis@francisortiz.biz tel: 615684195

Francis Ortiz es Fotógrafo de confianza de Google.

lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012

Los Top 10 Blogs y webs de Fotógrafos en 2012

psychology for photographers

1. Psychology for Photographers

Psicología para los fotógrafos es un nuevo blog con un contenido increíble que te ayudará a conseguir más clientes y vender más a tus clientes, y Jenika, el autor del sitio, tiene un corazón de oro para ayudar a la gente. No me canso de leer sus posts.

photography web marketing guide

2. Photography Web Marketing Guide

Zach Prez hace un trabajo realmente genial al hablar acerca de cómo utilizar Internet para promocionar y hacer crecer su negocio de fotografía. Tiene algunos productos fabulosos como la Guía Fotografía de Web Marketing, Web Smart 55 Ideas para Fotógrafos, Fotografía y  Blog sobre fotografía y éxito. Ahñi van los enlaces: Photography Web Marketing Guide55 Smart Web Ideas for Photographers, and Photography Blog Success.

photography concentrate blog

3. Photography Concentrate

Rob & Lauren son increíbles en la creación de posts concentrados llenaos de información útil para los fotógrafos. Tenen un enorme talento enseñando, y la tutoría y sus productos son a la vez profundos y sin embargo, bien desglosados en fáciles pasos, haceindo que el aprendizaje sea un placer. Os recomiendo:  Awesome Album Design SkillsExtremely Essential Camera Skills, and their new e-book Simple Wedding Photography.
Photo Mint

4. PhotoMint

Lara White has a plethora of helpful posts on her blog, especially if you are a wedding photographer (although other professional photographers will still get much value out of her posts as well.) Her free “Get Published” guide is amazing for helping you gain exposure and publicity for free, and her new e-book “Get Connected: Build Relationships to Drive Your Business” tells you all her secrets for getting valuable referrals for your business.
Elizabeth Halford Blog

5. Elizabeth Halford

Elizabeth Halford is a portrait photographer in the UK who writes very helpful tips for photographers. She’s great at taking technical concepts like focal length and bit depth and making them easy to understand for us non-techy types.

Brand Camp Blog

6. Brand Camp Blog

Kristen Kalp makes me swoon with jealousy when I read her writing. Seriously, she knows writing, branding, business and how to bring it all together to make your photography business thrive like crazy. She also uses her super powers to hug orphans in India and make the world a better place.


7. Tiffinbox

Seshu’s Tiffinbox is an incredible site that is full of resources and has input from photographers around the world on it. He’s not afraid to shake things up, such as with this post called “On Chasing Rainbows and Unicorns” (which was written by a local colleague of mine). Definitely a site worth following.

digital photography school darren rowse

8. Digital Photography School

While dPS is not primarily geared towards photography businesses, they have several posts that will help you grow your business as well as a comprehensive e-book called the “Going Pro Kit” that will walk you through what you need to do to finally start your business step by step (and it covers more than just portraits and wedding photography). There’s also tons of information to learn to be a better photographer and a thriving community to get involved in.
tofurious blog

9. Tofurious

Lawrence is downright brilliant for the amazing posts he publishes. He’s great at making you think (and making you hungry!) and I have made tons of extra money from what I learned in his Creative Pricing & Packagingebook that I bought and implemented into my wedding packages. He also published a physical book called “Social Media Marketing for Digital Photographers” that is available through Amazon.
A man to fish blog

10. A Man to Fish

Todd never ceases to make you think about why you are doing what you are doing, where the value is, and when to step outside of the box. He’s a great person to read to really think about why you do what you do in your business. While I don’t always agree with his opinions or thoughts, they get me thinking about my business in a new light and makes me really consider why i do things the way I do them.

Mark Jaworski Studios | Photography & Design

Traducido por Francis Ortiz

No estoy del todo seguro de cuantos años tiene Mark, pero imagino que estará en su primeros 20 años. Cuando en Expert Photography Le preguntaron en un foro cuales eran los mejores fotógrafos jóvenes del momento, su nombre surgió en la lista.  Creo que como la mayoría de los fotógrafos, lucha por encontrar un enfoque claro hacia donde dirigir su fotografía, pero veo un enorme potencial en el.Artículo original:
Mark Jaworski Studios | Photography & Design:

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miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2012

Mind Blowing Parallax Scrolling Sites

Mind Blowing Parallax Scrolling Sites:
Alucinantes ejemplos de tecnología Paralax en Websites. Iremos comentando en próximos posts

Nike Better World

Nike Better World is probably one of the early sites who started this parallax scrolling trend. Still looking good.

Smart USA

As you scroll down the Smart USA site, the elements zoom to you. What is really impressive is they managed to maintain the similar look and feel in their mobile version. Most parallax scrolling designs don't play well on mobile devices. Having a separate version is a smart idea.

Ben The Body Guard

Although the perspective seems very wrong (it doesn't feel like a bird's-eye view) onBen The Body Guard, but having a character and trian runs across the scene is pretty cool.


I don't understand Dutch, but browsing on Laurentius site was very enjoyable. You can scroll through the slideshow with mouse scroll wheel, scrollbar, navigation buttons, or arrow keys. I particularly like the slide between 4 & 5 where the butterflies flew out the scene randomly.

Mario Kart Wii

Mario Kart site gives you the same kind of experience as if you were playing on the Wii. It is fun to see the carts move on the track. Notice when you try to scroll down on the last slide or scroll up on the first slide, the graphic elements shake to create the effect of braking.

Moods of Norway

Moods of Norway truely depicts the beauty of a city line in a parallax scrolling tour. It takes you from the country side to the urban city in different lighting and season. I thought it is a travel site, but it turns they are a product site (LOL). Don't forget to check the site on your iPhone. It displays a sweet message when you are viewing in portrait mode. You can swipe through the scenes in landscape view.

Art of Flight

Like the Mario Kart site, Art of Flight provides the same experience as if you were flying in a helicopter. It gave me a headache (in a positive way) from watching the elements flying around the scene. Very well done!

Smokey Bones

Beside the parallax scrolling on Smokey Bones, I like the bottom of the site where you can break the balls and play pool (well, sort of).


BeerCamp doesn't have the stunning images like most of the parallax scrolling sites, but it is very well executed. Everything is laid on the screen. As you scroll, the design zoom in layer by layer.


Make sure you are on high speed connection to check the Beetle site because it is very graphic instense. The scrolling at the beginning is put together with image by image like keyframe animation.

New Zealand

The scene design on the New Zealand site is breath taking — beautiful and high resolution imagery. However, this beauty costs some load time and graphic resources.

Activate Drinks

Among all the sites on this list, I think Activate Drinks has the best pre-load idea. First it shows you a nice loading animation and then the cap on the bottle starts turning as you scroll.

Gidsy - Making the Perfect Listing

This "Making the Perfect Listing" page is nicely put together with just basic color and shapes. Scroll and watch the shapes merge together.

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La idea de Creative Art & Design consiste en aglutinar en un mismo espacio todas las tendencias y estilos de expresión artística, clásicas y modernas, exponer de una forma clara y estructurada cada una de las posibles formas de creación, sus técnicas, sus léxicos y sus trucos, sin entrar en valoraciones de gustos o afinidades, desde un punto de vista del aficionado y porqué no, del profesional abierto.

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